Personal Physician Covid Testing

Same day access by appointment. Home or Hotel visits available.

Tests available :

  • Nasopharyngeal swab for SARS-COV2 RNA by PCR (results in 24-48hr)
  • Blood test for COVID IgG (results in 24hr)
  • Roche SARS-COV2 RAPID Antigen test (results in 30min)

Call 02074862534 for immediate reply 24hrs 7 days a week

Our Covid Medical Services

The Laboratory used is the largest Private service in the UK. Fully accredited. UKAS accreditation 8059. CE marked and Government approved. Full certification.

Travel Testing and Certification

Travel requirements vary at short notice.
PCR testing is required, and in most cases also International Travel and Immigration certification.

You may require urgent advice.

Ring 02074862534 for immediate reply.


Uncertain Current Symptoms

If you have symptoms which are clinically unlikely to be COVID, you should have both Rapid antigen test and a nasopharyngeal swab.


Test to Release

If you have been in isolation after travel or contact tracing. This would normally require Nasopharyngeal testing, either at home or in the office.


Uncertain Past Symptoms

You are over an illness and want to know if it may have been COVID. You will need blood testing for SAS-COV2 IgG antibodies.
